Massage Therapist
Hello fellow Humans! I am Kelli, a Massage Therapist in training.
What brought me to the profession was the need to heal. We live in a world where we have “quick fixes” for everything. Where illness is seen as money instead of a problem to solve. *Steps down from soap box* Massage Therapy sparked my interest due to it being very medically intensive but not overly invasive. Before becoming a therapist, I truly didn’t grasp the power of massage therapy until I experienced it for myself .
I am going to change the narrative on how we view healing and show just how powerful massage is. One of my favorite things about massage therapy is that your body is your tool, creating a unique intimate experience that can’t be given through a needle or prescription. I truly believe humans have the ability to heal one another with love, empathy, knowledge and massage!
As I begin my career, I am looking forward to making connections with people and healers alike. I am so excited to be a part of the Holistic Healing team, to grow, share and learn.

Why Choose Us
What sets us apart...
Our mission is to provide result-driven holistic healing for individuals who are in pain through a science-based and clinical approach
Many times, our clients speak, and no one listens. They are given prescriptions and quick fixes. We here at BHC are compassionate listeners who deliver a custom approach to your ailments.
We aim to contribute to bettering humanity. From our care and compassion, we believe that we are change makers and create life-changing results for our clients.
We aim to be the catalyst for change by educating and healing in a holistic and scientific evidence-based approach.